Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gain Closure

Losing a job often times deteriorates professional relationships, as our emotions run wild and we act in ways that are down right embarrassing! Whether you are like me and blubber every time they cut the cord, or get hostile, I would strongly encourage that you put your pride aside and wave the flag of truce. The benefits you will get from closing a half opened door will far out way the negatives.

When deciding whether or not to seek closure, here are a few question to ask yourself (based on my experiences)...

1). Was the business relationship strictly business, or did it have a human component?

2). Did you manager get to see your best work? Could they vouch for your contribution to their organization?

3). Would you consider working for this person in the future?

4). Was your job eliminated to cut back expenses?

5). Were you miserable at work and destined for bigger and better things?

If you answered "yes" to any of the 5 questions above, I would strongly suggest that you take initiative and seek out contact with that individual. Apologize for what you did wrong (if anything) and leave the relationship on good terms.

Example: I have left things unresolved in the past, and although it would have been uncomfortable to wave the flag of truce, the damage done was irrevocable.

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