Friday, May 29, 2009

Persevere with Conviction!

A family friend recommend that I pick up a book titled "The Wealthy Spirit" as I make my transition through unemployment, uncertainty and growth. I thought I would easily be able to pick up a copy at my local bookstore , however unbeknownst to me, a lesson in perseverance would present itself. To make a long story short, I had to call over 9 bookstores to finally get my hands on the book.

You may be asking how does this apply to me? Most people looking for employment do not have the conviction or perseverance to continue going when the doors of opportunity close around them. Instead of taking control of the situation and asserting themselves, they sit around waiting for their dreams to happen on someone else's accord.

My father used to always say "in life there are those people who are in the game to play, and those who are simply there to warm the benches." Are you the type of person who hears one "no" and gets down on your luck, or are you a fighter that will go the distance to play in the game of life? When was the last time that you fought for what you really wanted?

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